Once again, this post shall be about myself.
Afterall, it will be about interpersonal communication, and there’s no better person to write about and illustrate the various situations faced than oneself, right? Unless you’re Matt Parkman or something…

This is a rather personal subject, but it will probably be the best example to use in this topic. Haha.

I had only a one-time experience of confessing to a girl I liked (duh!), or rather, I would call it ‘infatuated’…looking back at it now. And I did it the cowardly way: through the use of SMS (sorry for being a wimp).
Luckily for me then, it seemed that it was mutual, and so I was…er~, I forgot how I felt. Happy, I guess?

Then the weird thing happened.
I didn’t know what to do next. My mind was blank. (noob mah~)
Then for some reason, I began shunning the girl, just a few days. It was definitely not because I suddenly disliked the girl or anything. I don’t really know the reason even until now, but I believe it was because I didn’t know what to do.
And so, everything ended before anything started. LOL.

So you see, for the 10 steps in relational development, I went from Stage 1 to 2, then a little of 3, and then jumped straight to Stage 9 and 10. For those who have no idea of the 10 stages:
First 5 – Coming together

  1. Initiating, aka ‘jio’
  2. Experimenting, or flirt
  3. Intensifying, or confession, ‘going the extra mile’
  4. Integrating, aka ‘hao lian’ (in a positive way)
  5. Bonding, or tying the knot

Latter 5 – Coming apart

  1. Differentiating, or finding cracks liao
  2. Circumscribing, or ‘siam’
  3. Stagnation, or ‘sian’
  4. Avoiding (this is obvious)
  5. Terminating, or ‘Hasta la vista, baby’

As learned in the topic, some theorists suggested an intermediate process for Stages 4-7 called relational maintenance. So basically, I did not even got to go into this stage! *applaud for myself*

In my case, I guess Stage 3 of Intensifying is probably the most important stage to get a relationship going before you get to have the chance of maintaining it. Judging my past action in this mattter, I did not try to be aware of the other party, nor did I try to participate. There was definitely disclosure of feelings, albeit in a ridiculous way. But don’t even talk about physical contact…haha. I remembered even keeping a curious distance away when we had a group photo taken.
Simply 最低だよね (the worst, right), I was…? Or still am…? _| ̄|O”‘

Well, this is my opinion after one encounter, so I like to take it with a pinch of salt. Or sugar. Or whatever. Hehe.
I do hope I get to advance to the maintenance stage next time…if there is A next time. LOL

But I believe this 10 stages are applicable as well on friendship and relationship within the family. Friendship will have these stages at a less in-depth level, while family ties would have the latter 5 stages in much, much more complicated manners.
Afterall, it’s still termed as interpersonal communication, not dating communication. 😀

OK, my thoughts are gone with the wind now…so I shall leave it as that. For now, I guess.
If I feel like revising this entry. 😛
