This was originally in my main blog, but got to transfer it over here.

Logos, pathos, and ethos.
A brief definition:
Logos – appeal to reason
Pathos – appeal to emotion
Ethos – persuasive appeal of one’s character


OK, anyway, we might not know it, but we understand the use of ethos and pathos ever since we were babies. Using this clip as an example:

The baby is, or was, feeling happy, judging by the toothless grin he beamed on the protagonist, Kuwano. He is trying to let Kuwano know that he is happy, and so the beaming of his grin (pathos). And obviously, this relay of conversation is successful, because Kuwano understands the simple message intended by the baby and tries to reciprocate the smile (the unintentional use of ethos from the baby is successful!). But something seriously went wrong during the feedback; the baby is scared to tears by Kuwano’s ‘smile’, or twitching sneer, to be exact.
This is thus a result of miscommunication: the intention of the  encoder, Kuwano, is  misinterpreted by the decoder, who is the baby. But this is not due to noise, but is definitely something to do with the encoding.

The use of logos is not reflected because, well, babies cannot understand reason and thus no use of it!
(Try convincing me that you obeyed your parents’ order to stop sucking your thumb. Or fingers. Or even toe.)

And from this clip, we can know Kuwano is a rather pragmatic person indeed; he predicts a possible reaction from the crowd of somehow blaming him, and tries to flee the scene of ‘crime’ before anyone can link him to the baby’s crying.
But of course in turn, we CAN too assume that he made the baby cry, due to countless observations we have made of culprits leaving a crime scene ASAP to try avoiding the responsibility. This would be the Idol of the Cave (individual prejudice) at work here.

So you see, the simplest act of smiling is communication. Everything little thing we do is a form of communication, just that we don’t see it (well, not literally anyway).

Credit: YouTube Clip from 結婚できない男 (Kekkon Dekinai Otoko)
(2 years old!! Oh my god!!)
